Psalm 34:8 says “O taste and see that the LORD is good: blessed is the man that trusteth in him.” The words “Psalm 34:8” also sit on the side of this BBQ sauce. I wonder how long it took these guys to comb through the psalms to find a fitting reference for their BBQ sauce?
I liked the sauce and my only really complaint was the pineapple surprise flavor. It has the makings for a 5 with some simple marketing touch-ups. Their hotter version I really loved, and that review will be coming soon.
From The BBQ Stu’s grilling team has traveled around the country meeting and greeting other lovers of smoke infused food, trying some of the best tasting BBQ anywhere and making a trail of great friends along way.
The BBQ Stu’s grilling team have visited and participated in “Q” competitions in cities about the country such as New Orleans, Richmond, Kansas City, Las Vegas, New Holland, Memphis, Manhattan, San Francisco, Cleveland, Baltimore, Newark, Shreveport, Nassau, Atlanta, Myrtle Beach, and the place they call home, Pittsburgh.
After trying these great flavors from around the country Stu Wilson, in one of his culinary experimental moods inspired by Chefs like Paula Deen, Giada DeLaurentis, Justin Wilson, and Emeril Lagasse decided to gather together the best of the flavors from all the sauces that he liked and combine them with his own mix.
After acquiring the perfect blend he is now offering you a taste of the best of the best with BBQ Stu’s flavors like : Original, Steel City Blast Furnace, Carolina Mustard, and Raspberry Chipotle.
Enough around already – on to the review!
Sometimes I try to guess the ingredients before I read them. I try to go from box to open bottle as quickly as possible so I’m not tempted to simply read the ingredients and cheat. So this one had me guessing. I asked my wife what she thought it smelled like, and she was not interested in helping me with my “sauce problem.” So I had to look for myself. Ah-ha! Pineapple. Pineapple is the surprise ingredient here. Hmm.
Before Cooking Flavor
Good. A pineapple flavor infused taste. Not that overpowering or strong, and it really grew on me over time as I tried it on several things including sandwiches and standard chicken wings. I ended up really liking this sauce, so the 3 might be misleading but it’s both an indication to the buyer and the vendor that there’s an element of pineapple surprise here. Having told you the surprise I should say I struggled on the 3 vs 4 for this one for quite some time – part of the reason I took so long to review it.
Excellent thick-itude. Good natural look and feel.
After Cooking Flavor
Very nice. You can taste why they’ve been doing well at BBQ contests.
Average. Standard BBQ fare with high sugar, low fat, HFCS. Nothing special or uniquely good for you.
Marketing and Packaging
The bottle could use a touch up and a graphic designers love. The concept of a guy named BBQ Stu who looks like a pig is pretty funny I guess, but leaves me a bit confused. The Psalm reference is great for bible-readers who also enjoy BBQ I guess, but for me it was kinda outta left field. The highlighted term “FAT FREE” was a bit misleading – most tomato-based BBQ sauces are also fat-free. Also the pineapple flavor was left out. In my opinion, an effective package makeover would include a hawaiian themed bottle with BBQ STU dressed like he was going to a Jimmy Buffett concert, and holding a pineapple in his hand or something like that. Don’t hide the pineapple. Embrace it, and tell people about it.
I purchased Stu’s BBQ sauce at a farmer’s market near North Park, without knowledge of its existence. Holy Mackerel! What a pleasant surprise! It was delicious, with just the right amount of heat. However, ‘high fructose corn syrup’ is on my no-no list., but I will forego my disfavor, for the great taste.