Golden Blends Barbeque Sauce (3/5)

This label uses whisky-running as a metaphor to describe how this sauce has been marketed and sold for the past 20 years – secretly and silently through the hills of Appalachia.  It does make for a quite intriguing story…  and I really like the name of it too – the picture of a whiskey running car on the front nails the point home.

The sauce smells good with a pleasing blend of tomato spices and vinegar and not so tangy.  The flavor backs it up and the mix is good.     The flavor is smooth, smoky and sweet with a good amount of garlic and onion flavors.  There is not much new in terms of originality here but it works … I do wish it was a bit thicker though, as this tended to slide off the chicken when I grilled out with it.    Standard ingredients with HFCS but notably does not include artificial colors or preservatives AND includes horseradish.

Site Editor, BBQ Sauce Lover, Family Guy, Hi Tech Marketer by Day. He recently wrote the Ebook “How to Market Your BBQ Sauce” which can be purchased on this site.



  1. Thank you for the review. Just a heads up, we now use ketchup that is naturally sweetened. On a side note, the sauce ages well and thickens to a good texture around 6-8 months as the flavors meld together under the vacuum pressure in the jar.

    Thanks again!

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