KC Masterpiece Barbecue Sauce – Original (3/5)



Did you ever hear a song so beautiful it made you cry?    Did you ever see a picture that caused you to stare in awe, then do a double-take, then stare again for another 5 minutes?   Did you ever see a video clip or scene from a movie so powerful, that it gave you goosebumps?

Well, this sauce is nothing like that.  Please check my 5 star sauces page for some of the best ones ever – finding and tasting these ones truly made me happy.

With that said, KC Masterpiece isn’t horrible… it does have a few good things going for it:

  1. It’s cheap.
  2. Everyone knows the name (and probably like thinking their sauce is a “masterpiece”)
  3. It tastes OK
  4. They haven’t mucked with the recipe over the years (unlike Kraft or New Coke).

Besides that, it’s mediocre and has poor/cheap ingredients.  It lacks the super-sweetness of Sweet Baby Ray’s or the boldness of Trader Joe’s BBQ Sauce.  It’s just a plain Jane, mass-produced sauce that will make BBQ lovers happy … but it won’t Wow anyone.   It has a thick yet unnaturally smooth consistency – like it was blended for years in an industrial-sized BBQ Sauce blending plant as opposed to being crafted in batches.     Clings to meat very well and would make a fine grilling sauce for BBQ burgers and BBQ chicken.

Negatives:  Artificial flavors, colors, modified food starch, sweeteners.


A quick story of KC Masterpiece (from the website above)

The KC Masterpiece® story started in Kansas City 30 years ago, when Dr. Rich Davis – a local physician and barbecue aficionado – decided to make his own sauce. The result was a perfectly tangy, perfectly sweet, perfect-for-any-meat flavor. It won Dr. Davis the first-ever “Best Sauce” award at the American Royal Barbecue Competition 30 years ago, allowing him to quit his job and focus on his true passion: barbecue. Since then, the rich taste of KC Masterpiece® Barbecue Sauce has grown in popularity to become one of America’s favorite barbecue sauces. In fact, it’s still the number one sauce in Kansas City, barbecue’s hometown.

Site Editor, BBQ Sauce Lover, Family Guy, Hi Tech Marketer by Day. He recently wrote the Ebook “How to Market Your BBQ Sauce” which can be purchased on this site.



  1. marianne normile says

    please inform me if the kc masterpiece orignal barbeque sauce is gluten free thank you

  2. grammaladyf says

    My bottles of Original and Honey KC Masterpiece BBQ sauce says ‘gluten-free’ And it has the lowest sodium content of all the BBQ sauces I looked at!

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