How to Market and Sell Your BBQ or Hot Sauce

I wrote this 40 page, professionally-illustrated Ebook for independent producers of sauce makers called “How to Market Your BBQ Sauce.”   It is made for people starting from scratch and for those with an existing product on the market who want to how they can improve sales with an existing product.

“Last year I downloaded Brian’s eBook and it was a great help bringing our first product to market. After reading the eBook I decided to make the product all natural which has shown to be a very good decision.”

Michael O’Rouke Sugar Hill Smokehouse BBQ Sauce

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What is the book about?

The book is based around a core set of ideas called the 4 P’s – getting your Product, Price, Placement, and Promotional strategies right. I believe any sauce maker and especially future sauce makers would benefit from the ideas in the book. I’m selling the book on my own and I think the content is well worth the price tag of $19.95. If you would like to order now, please click here and remember you can pay with a credit card through PayPal.


Great Reviews from Sauce People:

I’ve put 40 pages of really good quality content into a universally readable PDF eBook – with tons of recommendations and ideas – and the feedback has been amazing so far. The highlight of running this site was when Dave “Sweet Baby” Raymond asked me to call him up to talk shop. When I called him, we chatted for about 30 minutes – he said there’s a lot of good logical advice in the book. I asked him for a quote that I could put on the site, and he said “you got some good stuff in there for sure.” Haa ha! What a great guy!

“Brian, you got some good stuff in there for sure”

Dave “Sweet Baby Ray” Raymond

“A great guide for sauce entrepreneurs and anyone looking to market their specialty food product.”

Beth Granai, Outta the Park BBQ Sauce

Ordering Information:

To order, simply click the button below – remember you can pay with a credit card through PayPal. It’s $19.95. This is more than a typically eBook will cost, but it has been made specifically for future sauce makers to help guide you through the process. Thank you!

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