Nephews BBQ Sauce has a clean, bold appearance and comes packaged in my favorite way, in a wide mouth 16 ounce glass jar. You can pour it easily or stick a cracker right into the mouth of the bottle if you so desire. Dylan sent me this sauce awhile back, and it’s been far too long since I’ve gotten around to this review – I wish I had noticed the Pumpkin theme earlier and had timed it to line up with Halloween. Oh well – I will have to remember to highlight this one next October… Confirmed by Google, this is the only pumpkin-flavored BBQ sauce on the market. Just having Jolokia pepper is rare, but to combine it with pumpkin for a halloween theme is just brilliant. Nice job on this sauce.
Whoa, is that a pumpkin I smell? Why yes. Yes it is.
Great tomato-based flavor spiced up with a strong but not overpowering pumpkin flavor and a little Ghost Jolokia Pepper to spice it up. Great, unique flavor and one that I may not use regularly, but I am going to have fun cooking this one up for friends. I am not a heat freak so the thought of burning off my face in order to sample this sauce was not top of my mind, but I did what any grill loving American would do, I covered a cracker in it and bit into it… and it’s not hot at all really – maybe a 1 out of 5 on a heat scale.
Medium thickness – not too thin or too thick. Good color.
A lot of ingredients but this comes together nicely to create a really unique flavor. Negatives – high fructose corn syrup, artificial color, some preservatives.
Ketchup (Tomato Concentrate, water & tomato paste) high fructose corn syrup, corn syrup, vinegar, salt, onion powder, natural flavors, pumpkin, worcestershire sauce (dextrose, salt, sugar, caramel color, silicon dioxide (prevents caking) garlic spices, citric acid, natural spice extractive, onnatto color, water), apple cider vinegar, pumpkin pie spice blend, brown sugar, spices, kosher salt, Jolokia Chili pepper, garlic powder, liquid smoke flavor, onion.
Sauce Score
5 – I don’t give away 5’s for novelty – it’s mainly about the taste and this one stands out. Flavored with pumpkin and heated up slightly with Jolokia “Ghost” peppers, I really loved this sauce on chicken. A 5 for originality, great flavor, use of ingredients, consistency, and packaging. I’d give it a 6 if I could. It’s not going to replace your classic standby BBQ sauce, but it’s worth trying – especially if you like pumpkin pie and grilling!
Other Interesting Info
“The Naga jolokia as it is commonly known—also known variously by other names in its native region, sometimes Bhut jolokia—is a chili pepper formerly recognized as the hottest in the world (it has since been overtaken by the Naga Viper). The pepper is occasionally called the ghost chili by U.S. media. The Naga Jolokia is an interspecific hybrid from the Assam region of northeastern India and parts of neighboring Bangladesh. It grows in the Indian states of Assam, Nagaland and Manipur, and the Sylhet region of Bangladesh. It can also be found in rural Sri Lanka where it is known as Nai Mirris (Cobra Chilli). There was initially some confusion and disagreement about whether the Naga was a Capsicum frutescen] or a Capsicum chinense pepper, but DNA tests showed it to be an interspecies hybrid, mostly C. chinense with some C. frutescens genes. In 2007, Guinness World Records certified the Naga Jolokia as the world’s hottest chili pepper, 401.5 times hotter than Tabasco sauce. As of December 3, 2010, the Naga Jolokia is no longer the hottest known chili pepper; it has been replaced by the Naga Viper, which has an average peak Scoville rating more than 300,000 points higher than an average Naga Jolokia – but still not higher than the hottest ever recorded Dorset Naga.”
!! Contest !!
The most interesting comment submitted below this blog post by the end of the day December 17th will win a Nephew’s prize package including:
- one bottle of Nephew’s Haban’Orange
- one bottle of Nephew’s Angry Nephew
- one bottle of Nephew’s dry rub
- 5 size jar of Nephew’s Ghostly Pumpkin.
- One comment per person.
- No one outside the US is eligible.
- Polygamists are not eligible.
- I make final decision based on interestingness.
- Must enter decision by December 17th Midnight eastern time.
- Decision to be announced on the blog post (make sure to subscribe to email comments) before 12/19.
- The sauce will likely NOT appear before Christmas.
- That’s it.
Our sauce is now all natural, no high fructose corn syrup….
Ghostly Pumpkin BBQ Sauce, sounds like a real turkey! I had an angry nephew, but I put him over a spit…
I want my barbecue barbecue barbecue
I want my barbecue barbecue barbecue
I want my barbecue barbecue barbecue
I want my barbecue barbecue barbecue SAUCE!
How did you keep the “real” ghosts in the pumpkin? You would think they would fly right out of the holes you carved in it….
Something else interesting yet not BBQ related:
I’m sorry, but there’s not enough ghost pepper in here for everyone. I’ll tell them you were a hero.
Nephews Ghostly Pumpkin BBQ Sauce Review:The Suace That Will Haunt Your BBQ Night after BBQ Night
Smell:Sweet with a hint of Dead Pumpkin
Taste: Haunting Death of Mutilated Pumpkins bathed in a stewing pot of Bloody Tomatoes. To insult the taste buds even more, the Pumpkin Killer then added Ghostly Jolokia Peppers so your tongue will litterly melt off.
Consistency: Thick like Blood, and full of Chunky Pumpkin Intestines.
Ingredients: Dead Baby Pumpkins (baby seeds), Ghostly Jolokia Peppers, harvested with a bloody machete to keep true to the sauce. This peper from India reported a rating of 855,000 units on the Scoville scale, 401.5 times hotter than Tabasco sauce. What does this mean, Death in a Bottle……Pumpkin Death….
Sauce Score: Hell on Earth….So many Dead Baby Pumpkins used in this sauce….the horror…the horror…..Buy this sauce or you will forever be haunted…by the the Ghost of the Jolokia Pepper…
In almost every Ketchup based sauce there is High Fructose Corn Syrup. It is in the ketchup, and almost never added beyond that. The amount per serving is minimal after all the ingredients are blended.
I have lots of complaints about it in BBQ Sauce, but the same people don’t bat an eye when dipping French Fries in Ketchup.
This is really a raving endorsement versus a contest entry. Your website relates to those of us “addicted” to BBQ sauce and helps elevate it to the “sacred gound” it deserves ! Thanks for all your passion and effort, it makes trying and buying new sauces a pleasure.
while I agree all of our flavors are now high fructose free and no preservatives.
Thank to all with the great comments…Frank…we do have a sauce called Angry Nephew btw….Voted Best Hot BBQ Sauce in North Carolina this year!!
What did the pumpkin say to the Ghost?
Boo Yah, get inside me!!
Ghostly Pumpkin eh… guess it must be so good even the dead love it.
‘Twas the night before Ghostly pumpkin, when all through the house
Not a creature was stirring, not even my nephew;
The stockings were hung by the chimney with care,
In hopes that that ‘Ghostly Pumpkin’ soon would be there;
The children were nestled all snug in their beds,
While visions of sugar-pumpikns danced in their heads;
And mamma in her ‘kerchief, and I in my cap,
Had just settled down for a long winter’s nap,
When out on the lawn there arose such a clatter,
I sprang from the bed to see what was the matter.
Away to the window I flew like a flash,
Tore open the shutters and threw up the sash.
The moon on the breast of the new-fallen snow
Gave the lustre of mid-day to objects below,
When, what to my wondering eyes should appear,
But a “Supper Large Ghostly” pumpkin, and eight mad as heck reindeer,
With a little old driver, so lively and orange,
I knew in a moment it must be St. Ghostly.
More rapid than eagles his coursers they came,
And he whistled, and shouted, and called them by name;
“Now, Pumpkin! now, Squach! now, Gourd and Zucchini!
On,Delicata! on Sugar Pie! on, Acorn and Kabocha!
To the top of the porch! to the top of the wall!
Now dash away! dash away! dash away all!”
OK, while this was a tough one and I needed an extra day to tally the votes, it is clear to me that the winner of the most interesting comment goes to….
Drumroll please…
DAVEK with his mock BBQSauceReviews review with faux horror theme!! Nicely done!
Nephews Ghostly Pumpkin BBQ Sauce Review:The Suace That Will Haunt Your BBQ Night after BBQ Night
Smell:Sweet with a hint of Dead Pumpkin
Taste: Haunting Death of Mutilated Pumpkins bathed in a stewing pot of Bloody Tomatoes. To insult the taste buds even more, the Pumpkin Killer then added Ghostly Jolokia Peppers so your tongue will litterly melt off.
Consistency: Thick like Blood, and full of Chunky Pumpkin Intestines.
Ingredients: Dead Baby Pumpkins (baby seeds), Ghostly Jolokia Peppers, harvested with a bloody machete to keep true to the sauce. This peper from India reported a rating of 855,000 units on the Scoville scale, 401.5 times hotter than Tabasco sauce. What does this mean, Death in a Bottle……Pumpkin Death….
Sauce Score: Hell on Earth….So many Dead Baby Pumpkins used in this sauce….the horror…the horror…..Buy this sauce or you will forever be haunted…by the the Ghost of the Jolokia Pepper…
Dave – shoot me an email with your address and I will get you hooked up with the goods!!
To others – if you didn’t win, please don’t despair – I’ve got at least 3 more contests coming up in the near future and the prizes keep getting better and better.
Brian, Thank you very much. I have to agree with you, there are many “interesting” and “funny” comments. It just shows there is a real good bunch of people who you have attracted to your website. You provide an excellent service to us all. Most (including myself) would not know where to start when ordering “Gourmet” BBQ sauces, but you have provided us with plenty of information and reviews to point us in the right direction to BBQ Sauce Land.
Thanks Again,
Dave K
I absolutely love Rotkohl, but only hmameode. No wonder you are not a fan if you just tried the canned stuff. I had to give Mom’s recipe a twist or two since it wasn’t vegan, now it comes out even better.However, my next red cabbage will be thrown in this soup. This sounds so delicious, I really need to try it.
I gotta try this stuff!