A Swicy Sauce from Elk Grove Village
So it’s been a long time coming since my last review and I have excuses, but do you really want to hear them? No, I think you want more reviews and more sauce! This sauce comes to us from Illinois – a little place called Elk Grove Village. The founder and owner is competition BBQ’er Richard Clifford and his fiance – who are nicely represented by the two pigs on the front of the label. As you might guess the grizzly looking one with the red and green pepper horns is Richard. And the cute, sweet looking one with the halo is the fiance Diane. Very creative.
Consistency and Color
The consistency is thin but sticky. The color is rusty and looks like a traditional red sauce.
Some pluses and minuses with HFCS containing ketchup, smoke flavor (some folks avoid it), but had been tested and proudly declared gluten free for those who are seeking that.
The easiest way to describe the flavor is that it’s a mild pineapple sweet sauce. Like PigChaser if you’ve tried that, but with less pineapple oomph. I’ve written about the pineapple flavor in the past and wonder if the fad is over, but this one took the pineapple and added it into the mix with a subtle flair. Lots of other ingredients too, but it’s basically a sweet sauce with a fruity finish.
Out of the bottle as a straight up dipping sauce, I found it a bit too sweet, almost reminiscent of a glaze that one might apply to a ham or pork chops. But when cooked with my standard chicken base (I did some wings this time), I found it really settled in and delivered a complex fruity sweet and rich flavored sauce. Nice.
Bottom line
I liked almost everything about this sauce from inside to outside from the creative label to the color to the fruity, mildly sweet flavor of the sauce after it burns off some of the sweets… I highly recommend it on chicken. Bet it would be great on pork too. This is one guy who loves BBQ and it shows. It could use some tweaks to make it great, such as a better quality label production and maybe an assist from a designer. Would have liked a bit more spicy in the Swicy – I didn’t really taste any heat. And maybe a bit more variation in the consistency of the sauce.
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