Baltimore Barbecue Company Original 4/5


This sauce has some lofty goals – the owner Adam Rosenblatt wants to put Baltimore BBQ sauce on the map, and why not? Baltimore is a great city with a renovated waterfront area (Inner Harbor) and a diverse population.

Outside The Bottle

The label is nice and professional. It’s good for locals with a skyline of Baltimore and a clean appearance. Personally I’d like to see a little more connection to Baltimore and to me, when I think of Maryland and food, I think of crabs.


I like the copywriting that makes a bold statement – why go outside Baltimore for your BBQ sauce?

Inside the Bottle

It’s a fairly standard but tasty sweet BBQ sauce that runs a bit thin but sticks to meat well. It has the same flavor before and after cooking, and would be a great simple, mild BBQ sauce for a meal fit to serve many types of people.


The ingredients are high-quality and generally free of bad stuff, but I’d like to see a statement around that – gluten-free? HFCS free?

Bottom line

I’d have to say the flavor didn’t meet my expectations as I was hoping to taste a little bay seasoning inside. It’s a good sauce for many purposes that many people will enjoy, but lacks the uniqueness of the Chesapeake style.


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Site Editor, BBQ Sauce Lover, Family Guy, Hi Tech Marketer by Day. He recently wrote the Ebook “How to Market Your BBQ Sauce” which can be purchased on this site.


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