GrillStar App


  • Only costs 99 cents
  • Good graphics
  • Can manually put in timer times
  • Can manually add food items not listed (shows a stock image)


  • No iPad version yet
  • Needs more food items added to the app

More Info

The GrillStar app is developed by BigGreenButtonSoftware and can be found on iTunes for 99 cents at

You can follow the GrillStar app developer on twitter @GrillStarApp and also like their Facebook fan page.

Have you tried this app?  Let us know in the comments.

BBQ Tools & Tech Reviewer @


  1. I like the video review! Nicely done!

  2. Troy Wells says

    Good review Jay!

    • Jay Prince ✔ (@Prince_of_Q) says

      Thanks so much Troy! It’s a great app to use. Plus it’s cheaper to buy then a Dollar Menu item lol. Thanks again!

  3. I’ve been using grill star for over a year and I truly love it. You are able to manage lots of items with different cooking temperature. I would agree, it would be great if they added items like chicken wings, leg of lamb and brisket. Definitely well worth the .99 cents.

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